It has either been yet another strange case of synchronicity or just the fact that Webgurl and Dave Rave are also up to Unit 16 but I have had several conversations this week about Wikis and how we can use them in the library. At the moment there are several suggestions all of which are good so in no particular order here they are:
* A knowledge management tool for keeping staff up to date on the progress of a particular project - we will be updating to Symphony sometime in the not too distant future so a wiki would be a means of keeping us all in the loop.
* A place to deposit our subject guides and weblinks so that all staff have an opportunity to update them.
* As an electronic training room allowing the training staff a place to deposit the sum of all their wisdom as well as the notes and resources they have used.
* As a community directory for the smaller branches.
* A Local History Wiki - with photographs and histories of significant places in the local area able to be updated by our customers.
The pot keeps bubbling, the neurons and synapses keep firing - looks like "content production" and "designing wikis" are phrases that are going to be finding a place in all of our position descriptions soon.