Thursday, November 8, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

Having finished the programme I now feel like I have to go back and really get a handle on some of the tools/toys we have been playing with. It has been very useful as an introduction to what is out there in the Wired World and how folks in Library Land are using the newish technologies. It has got several of us at ERL seriously looking at what ideas we have seen that we can pinch/adapt/utilise/creatively plagiarise in order to add to or improve our services to our customers. We are currently looking at wikis for both staff and customer use; blogs for the branches as well as specialised uses such as reader's advisory and a possible notification service.

A big shout out to Helene Blowers for devising the programme, Melanie McCarten for co-ordinating the State Library's side of things and to Lynette Lewis and Leslie Sharples for jollying us along. Of course I shouldn't forget Stephen Abram who provided the spark. I went back and read his blog posts from 2006 and found the following which I think is sooooooo appropriate:

I've been asked a load of times how library workers can learn all these newish technologies. I don't know why it's easy for me and difficult for others. I do a few things.

1. I play.
2. I surf sites, blogs, and articles that friends recommend.
3. I schedule it.
4. I don't stay committed if it isn't fun or engaging.
5. I don't feel the need to learn every feature and nook and cranny of the site.
6. I share. I don't feel guilty is it isn't directly applicable today to my current needs.

See you in the sandpit.
Cheers, Paul.

PS: If you feel like carrying on with the concept of Learning 2.0 check out the sequel Learning 2.1 - more toys to play with.........

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Congratulations on completing the program. The program is certainly just a taste of the Web 2.0 apps that are our there for all to explore. It's understanding that to learn we have to take time out to play and explore
