Prime Minister Winnie Churchill can be seen here giving the super secret L2.0 salute that acknowledges the existence and contribution of the Blogbusters to the WIKI....

L for Library

O for OK
Winnie was heard to say - "I have nothing to offer you but blog, toil, tears and sweat". The ERL Blogbusters have certainly toiled, cried and sweated (yuk!) writing their blogs.
May I say that it has been a privilege to have served with such a wonderful group of chaps, chappesses and chappettes.....

Flight Lieutenant Paul "Bunty Bozo Biggles Bomber" Burden (retd. ht.)
May I say that it has been a privilege to have served with such a wonderful group of chaps, chappesses and chappettes.....

Flight Lieutenant Paul "Bunty Bozo Biggles Bomber" Burden (retd. ht.)
Still at it ole boy?! [Said in my best blustering Pommie accent, a la Agatha Christie's Mrs Dane Calthrop] Or was this 'the swansong' (she says, tossing her wooden leg over the piano stool) "^ ^"
Love that wooden leg Mrs Calthrop! As Winnie also said.... This is not the end, it is not the beginning of the end, it is not even the end of the beginning of the end of the end that came just after that funny bit at the beginning......
Chin chin and toodle pip old chap,
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