Sunday, November 4, 2007

#20 You too can YouTube

Truveo is a video search engine that , to quote their self-effacing publicity, "is widely recognized as being the most comprehensive and up-to-date video search service on the Web". Despite such a grandiose statement I must concur because it acts like a meta-search engine trawling the web to find you such video gems as "Rex the Chihuahua vs Nancy Pearl" or my particular favourite of the moment "The March of the Librarians" .... obviously some people have too much time on their hands!! It scores over YouTube by itself because it searches a whole host of other sites bringing up relevant and not so relevant hits.

You should check out the "YouTube Copyright Tips" on their site which tells you what can and cannot be uploaded or copied. Basically it appears that 95% of the content available on YouTube may be in breach of copyright......... we await the first trial case with interest.

In the meantime here's 2 minutes and 35 seconds of Blues Brilliance from Fleetwood Mac (pre-Stevie Whatshername and the other guy) and one of the many reasons that YouTube is a fantastic resource. I haven't heard this in years......... play it Pete!!

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